How to order?
  1. Choose your desired product and click add to cart.
  2. When you're done shopping, click the check out button at the top right corner of the page.
  3. Indicate preferred date and time of delivery or pick up. No shipping on Sundays/holidays.
  4. You can select delivery method, enter shipping address and see payment instructions during check out. Provided shipping fee is good for 20kgs only (maximum of lalamove motorcycle).
  5. Review your order details before completing order.
  6. Once completed, you will receive an order confirmation. Please wait for the final tax and total via email or text after you place your order.
  7. To secure items, please make sure to pay within 24 hours of receiving new total. For same day pick up, payment must be done before 3pm. 
  8. Please send proof of payment to:
    E-mail: anilapack@gmail.com
    FB Messenger: m.me/ezplasticph
    Viber: 0968-7762581
    Don't forget to indicate your Order Number.
  9. Wait for confirmation that your order is ready for delivery or pick up.


Order Tracking

  1. You will receive a notification that your order is ready to ship.
  2. Another notification will be sent including tracking number or link.